Today I planted Blizzard Snow Peas (you eat the pod), and Coral Shell Peas(you shell these peas). I get all my seeds from the best seed company in the world...FEDCO. If you haven't heard of them you must visit their website... FEDCO is a seed co-op here in central Maine. Seeds come in no frills envelops and many if not most are organic. FEDCO has been around since the year I graduated college, 1978. And FEDCO specializes in seed well suited for our chilly northeast climate. FEDCO also sells bulbs, trees, plants, gardening supplies etc.
I read that you should plant peas when the forthysia blooms but I've always planted as soon as the ground can be worked, and our ground can be worked. I also just read on MOFGA (Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association- website that Patriots Day is a traditional pea planing day here in Maine. The compost pile is thawed on the top and sides so I could access enough to put in the area the pea see
Crocuses flowering...............
French Sorrel coming up! Tulip pushing through the soil.
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